Topic: Together we make a difference

More than a tagline, here at BurlingtonGreen we recognize and celebrate that all of our efforts to advance our important mission welcome the participation of all sectors of the community. Together we are stronger and the impact is greater!

Most content on BurlingtonGreen is assigned one or more Topics. The Topic you are viewing now may contain content from News Posts, Programs, Events, and other related pages.


Take Action with BG this Fall!

We’ve got a terrific fall line-up of fun, rewarding and impactful opportunities inviting your participation. Together, let’s make an impactful difference. Our shared environment needs

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BGYN: BurlingtonGreen Youth Network

Burlington Beach Nurdle Hunt

On Monday, July 24th from  1 pm -3 pm, BurlingtonGreen will be teaming up with A Greener Future to host a litter clean-up and nurdle hunt along Burlington Beach.

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Together we make a difference

Fall Events & Opportunities

  We’ve wrapped up many of our fall season rewarding and impactful opportunities but there are still various ways you can get involved. Check them

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