Topic: Nature-Friendly Burlington

BurlingtonGreen is pleased to provide this program to connect more of the community to local nature in Burlington, Ontario. Learn. Discover. Care. Protect.

Most content on BurlingtonGreen is assigned one or more Topics. The Topic you are viewing now may contain content from News Posts, Programs, Events, and other related pages.

Burlington Creeks

Protecting Lake Ontario

DID YOU KNOW? 40% of the country’s economic activity takes place in Ontario’s Great Lakes Basin 4,000 species of plants, fish and wildlife live it the Great

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Nature-Friendly Burlington

#Daves Feathered Friends

We love sharing resources and tips to help YOU connect with nature, not just more often, but in different ways. Observing and learning to identify

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LOVE Local Trees

  Be sure to participate in our annual Tree Photo Contest too and get inspired by checking out some past contest photos: 2020  2021  2022

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Nature-Friendly Burlington

Burlington Green Space

We are fortunate in Burlington to have a wide variety of natural habitats, but we often forget to stop and appreciate them due to our

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