Topic: Live Green

BurlingtonGreen provides an abundance of locally-focused resources, tips and events to help all sectors of Burlington live, play and work more softly on the earth.

Most content on BurlingtonGreen is assigned one or more Topics. The Topic you are viewing now may contain content from News Posts, Programs, Events, and other related pages.

Burlington Creeks

Protecting Lake Ontario

DID YOU KNOW? 40% of the country’s economic activity takes place in Ontario’s Great Lakes Basin 4,000 species of plants, fish and wildlife live it the Great

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Grow to Give

Local Food

Thanks to the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund and the Burlington Foundation,  we responded to COVID-19 by pivoting and expanding our impactful Grow to Give program

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Clean Up Green Up

Zero Waste

Spring & Fall ZW EVENTS Check them out!     What is Zero Waste?  We like to think of zero waste as a lifestyle or

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BurlingtonGreen Programs

Businesses and Community Groups

  Operating an environmentally responsible business or organization is not only good for the environment but when you go green, you can also save money

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