Topic: Clean Up Green Up

BurlingtonGreen’s annual flagship event invites all sectors of the community to participate in the city-wide effort, cleaning up and beautifying our city’s creeks, parks, neighbourhoods and schoolyards.

Most content on BurlingtonGreen is assigned one or more Topics. The Topic you are viewing now may contain content from News Posts, Programs, Events, and other related pages.

BGYN: BurlingtonGreen Youth Network

Schools and Educators

Welcome to our resource page for schools and educators! Here you can discover new opportunities and resources to engage children and youth about environmental living,

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BurlingtonGreen News

Individuals and Families

  There are many ways to make a significant difference right at home by re-thinking and changing our daily habits and purchasing decisions. Start by

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Action on Climate

Creating Healthy Habitats

BurlingtonGreen hosts clean ups, green ups (habitat restoration events) and we partner with various groups and organizations, to protect an restore and improve local habitat,

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BurlingtonGreen Programs

Live Green

The great thing about caring for the environment is that all of us can make a significant difference right at home, school, work, or in

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