Topic: Clean Up Green Up

BurlingtonGreen’s annual flagship event invites all sectors of the community to participate in the city-wide effort, cleaning up and beautifying our city’s creeks, parks, neighbourhoods and schoolyards.

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Clean Up Green Up

Be a Forest Friend

Sign up to participate in a morning of ‘digging in’ and getting dirty as we come together with Friends of General Brock Park and Field

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Action on Climate

500 Trees Planted!

The sun was shining and the trees were ready to be planted and LOTS of community volunteers came out to join us in making a

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Clean Up Green Up


Biodiversity plays an essential role in sustaining and creating healthy, vibrant, and resilient eco-systems. That’s why we are pleased to offer numerous opportunities throughout the

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Clean Up Green Up

Let’s Do This!

The Planet needs our collective efforts more than ever before. And the great thing about caring for the environment is that all of us can

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