Youth Network

Youth Network

Are you between the ages of 14 – 24 and are you passionate about the environment? Do you want to learn how YOU can make a difference?

Whether you are a member of an eco-club, have a general interest in the environment, or want to know where to start, we want to hear from YOU!

Join us!

Who: Anyone between the ages of 14 to 24

What: Join us every month to connect with other like-minded young people as we learn about local and global eco-issues and news, opportunities to help the planet and more. 

The Youth Network Program provides both online and in-person activities such as: 

    • Special Guest Speakers (check out the photo gallery further below of some of the amazing speakers who have inspired us!) 
    • Eco-film Screenings + post-film discussions
    • Hikes and Opportunities to Connect with Nature
    • Learning about Climate Change terms such as adaptation, mitigation, resiliency
    • Hands-on Habitat Restoration and Clean Up events
    • Invasive Plant Removals
    • Event Greening at Popular Burlington events
    • Special Events and Webinars
    • Volunteering for our Social Media Subcommittee

And more!

Where: Hybrid – some in person and some online

When: Monthly, with online meetings during the winter months ( December to March), and in-person gatherings for the rest of the year.

Online gatherings are on Mondays at 4:30 pm via Google Meet. The schedule for in person gatherings with eco-activities varies.

Registration: You do not need to register to attend our meetings, and we will let you know when you need to register/sign-up for our in-person events.

How: All online meetings use the same link (here)

Volunteer Hours: Time spent in meetings and at events can be eligible for volunteer hours & we record eligible hours internally, (so you don’t need to keep track).

*In order to be eligible, attendees MUST fill out a provided attendance form, and participate actively in our meetings AND complete our post-meeting survey questions.

All Are Welcome: The BGYN is an open and inclusive space for anyone in the age range of 14-24.

Volunteer Waiver: We require a completed volunteer waiver if you are going to be attending any in-person events with the BGYN (including in-person meetings). Please have your parents complete it if you are under 18, and don’t forget to include your signature as well.

Contact us if you have questions


Contact us if you have questions!

Follow Us On Instagram: We try our best to post new opportunities on our BurlingtonGreen Youth Network Instagram Page. Following us is a great way to stay tuned into eco-news and opportunities, you can find our page here.

Follow Us On TikTok: Our TikTok is new so please follow us and get your friends to follow us too!! Check it out here.



What members are saying about the BGYN:

More youth voices:

“My favourite things about the Network are collaborating with other youth and all the volunteer opportunities.”

“It’s the best way to meet with environmental club members from schools in Burlington to share ideas.”

“Being a part of the BGYN has been one of the best experiences of my life! I have learned so much, from both the youth and the facilitators of the group, about how to lead a sustainable lifestyle and make environmentally conscious decisions.”

“My experience as a BGYN member has been the absolute most motivating, empowering, educational and impactful volunteer opportunity I’ve ever had to date.”


BurlingtonGreen graciously thanks the following for their support of the BurlingtonGreen Youth Network:

