BurlingtonGreen hosts clean ups, green ups (habitat restoration events) and we partner with various groups and organizations, to protect an restore and improve local habitat, strengthening biodiversity.
Learn about our Clean Up Green Upand how you can get involved!
Check out these handy Conservation Halton resources about how to identify and safely remove invasive plants, and choose native plants to help strengthen local biodiversity.
Consider helping out at another community event or plan your own event:
- WWF Canada’s Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup (March through November).
- Help out the Field and Stream Rescue Team with cleanups and the occasional planting (spring and fall).
- Help out with the RBG invasive species pulls each fall (mid-October to mid-November).
- Organize your own Clean Up or Green Up anytime of the year!
Sign up to get BG E-News or visit our Facebook page where we share habitat restoration projects hosted by other groups.
Healthy Habitat Resources/Organizations:
- Bay Area Restoration Council (BARC)
- Friends of Kerncliff Park
- Friends of Sheldon Creek Watershed
- Friends of General Brock Park
- Creeks and Trees
- Ted Knott Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada
- Field and Stream Rescue Team
- Conservation Halton
- Cootes to Escarpment Ecopark System
- Royal Botanical Gardens
- Hamilton Naturalists Club
- Oakvillegreen
- Hamilton-Halton Watershed Stewardship Program
- Halton-Peel Biodiversity Network
- Hamilton Conservation Authority
- Evergreen
- Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
- Green Infrastructure Ontario
- Green Infrastructure Ontario: Municipal Hub Resource