“In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket.
But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket.”
David Suzuki
The ripple effect of impact we achieved together with all sectors of the community in 2023 was tremendous!
With the easing of pandemic conditions, we engaged more of the diverse community we serve with in-person educational programming and hands-on event activities. June 2023 marked a full year of operations at our popular Eco-Hub by the beach, where residents and tourists learned about important local and global environmental issues, discovered our new pollinator teaching garden, and participated in beach litter clean-ups and habitat restoration efforts.
Throughout Burlington (and beyond via our extensive online reach), we successfully advanced our strategic priorities of climate change, low-waste living, and protecting and caring for nature, through our ‘triple A’ approach of Awareness, Advocacy and Action, as highlighted in the impact graphics further below.
Our online audience grew significantly during the year, as did our popular BGYN (BurlingtonGreen Youth Network), welcoming 154 new participants. Collaboration with both new and longstanding partnerships resulted in important environmental benefits such as further progress in beach dune habitat restoration, and the introduction of a city-wide Butt Blitz, supporting the impact of A Greener Future’s national campaign.
With a focus on solutions for local action on climate change, a variety of informative and engaging events were held such as our Spring Earth Day Celebration, June Bike Month, and October Action on Climate Day! EV test drives, heat pump information, pledge button-making, and more, were featured at these fun and inclusive opportunities.
During the year, volunteers from our Burlington Community Climate Action Hub advocated on 31 different environmental issues, with the greatest attention directed to mobilizing the community to join us in speaking up to protect the Greenbelt from destructive, unnecessary development.
A whopping 12,586 people took part in our annual city-wide litter Clean Up event, the community joined us in planting 510 more trees in Burlington, and 6260kg of waste was diverted from the landfill through our Event Greening service provided at 6 Burlington festivals and events. A record number of community members benefited from the convenience of our Spring and Fall Zero Waste Drop-Off events where almost 8 tonnes of used electronics were diverted from the landfill, along with a variety of household items fixed, thanks to our friends joining us from the Burlington Repair Cafe.
Our The Time is Now fundraising campaign welcomed some new generous donors, essential for our organization’s ongoing financial sustainability.
None of the impactful work achieved throughout the past year was possible without the participation, dedication, and generosity of the Burlington community, and our partners and donors.
You inspire us every day to do all we can, forging ahead to create lasting and meaningful change right here in Burlington – a special place we all value and love.
Thank you~
our vision
Everyone in Burlington recognizes we are all connected to, and dependent on the environment, and acts on this understanding to ensure a good quality of life and a sustainable future.
our mission
Together with the community, we work to protect the environment, mitigate climate change and create a healthier, more environmentally responsible city.

Together we make a difference.
Engaging with the community to raise awareness on pressing environmental issues is pivotal to our work.
In 2023, we offered a mix of in-person and online programming with impressive reach as reflected here:
100,000 Accounts Reached
449 Posts
87,000 Impressions
22,704 New Users
5600 Accounts Reached
BG Volunteers are the best!
Volunteering with BG changes lives and helps to grow a stronger community of environmental champions. Some of the valued contributions of our volunteers along with others in the community, are featured on our popular Community Spotlight. During 2023, a comprehensive Volunteer Program Administration Guide was produced, reflecting our commitment to provide inclusive, positive, smooth-flowing experiences for the many volunteers we engage.

We are tremendously grateful to the various grant funders, community partners, sponsors and donors for their critical contributions and collaborations, powering our important work throughout 2023. We maximized every dollar received to achieve maximum impact to help the planet, locally.

BurlingtonGreen’s volunteer Board of Directors and staff members comprise a team of talented, passionate, hard-working individuals committed to to making positive change happen here in Burlington. As the implications of climate change and biodiversity loss and other environmental issues, escalate, so too do the demands on our team. Resiliency, perseverance and a collective determination to advance our important mission work remains paramount to our effectiveness.
During 2023, Board and staff members participated in strategy sessions for the development of BurlingtonGreen’s 2024-2028 Strategic Plan.

2023 financial highlights
With some continued pandemic recovery conditions, the funding landscape in 2023 continued to be precarious including reduced grant support. This resulted in continued reduced staff capacity at a time of growing demands being placed on our organization from all sectors of the community.
In addition to the pursuit of grant funding, our three-year The Time is Now fundraising campaign remained the focus of our essential ongoing efforts to achieve ongoing and long-term financial sustainability.
Audited financial statements for the 2023 fiscal year were completed by Durward Jones Barkwell &
Further financial details for BurlingtonGreen are posted by the CRA on our charity’s profile.