Vote for local action on climate, nature, and a just, sustainable future for this pivotal election.
To help inform your vote, we’ve asked Burlington candidates important questions about climate change and the environment. ALL candidates were provided with the opportunity to complete a questionnaire and to respond to another question, either in written form or via a video message.
Check out their responses below.

*Candidates presented in alphabetical order
Mayoral Candidate – Jim Kerr
We asked: What do you believe to be the greatest opportunity in Burlington to mitigate climate change locally ? And if you’re elected, what specific actions will you champion and prioritize the necessary budget funds for, in order to accelerate Burlington’s Climate Action Plan?
View this candidate’s video response to the right.
Mayoral Candidate – Anne Marsden
We asked: What do you believe to be the greatest opportunity in Burlington to mitigate climate change locally ? And if you’re elected, what specific actions will you champion and prioritize the necessary budget funds for, in order to accelerate Burlington’s Climate Action Plan?
View this candidate’s written response to the right.
Anne Marsden: The issue is not something I have spent time researching believing that Burlington Green and other well informed individuals have had this covered in terms of what goes into Burlington Climate Action Plan. I have issues with very large gas driven city buses, riding around empty based on council decisions of the past and I am committed, as Mayor, to champion every means of accelerating Burlington’s Climate Action Plan as approved by Council.
Mayoral Candidate – Marianne Meed Ward
We asked: What do you believe to be the greatest opportunity in Burlington to mitigate climate change locally ? And if you’re elected, what specific actions will you champion and prioritize the necessary budget funds for, in order to accelerate Burlington’s Climate Action Plan?
View this candidate’s video response to the right.
Mayoral Candidate – Steven Rieck
We asked: What do you believe to be the greatest opportunity in Burlington to mitigate climate change locally ? And if you’re elected, what specific actions will you champion and prioritize the necessary budget funds for, in order to accelerate Burlington’s Climate Action Plan?
This candidate did not respond to this question.
Mayoral Candidate – William Tuck – DECLINED TO PARTICIPATE
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