Through awareness, advocacy, and action, we empower the Burlington community to protect and care for the environment, now and for the future.

lbs of Produce Donated
Plants & Trees Planted
Clean Up Volunteers
Events Greened
action on climate

“Once we start to act, hope is everywhere”

Greta Thunberg

Nature-Friendly Burlington

Discover opportunities to connect with and care for local nature.

Live Green

Live, work, play green.
Make the switch to a greener lifestyle and workplace today.

Speak Up!

Believe in the power of your voice. Help make positive change happen.

Jun 22, 2024

Oct 14, 2024
Join us at the Beach!
Located at the historic Pump House at 1094 Lakeshore Rd, Beachway Park, pop by our Eco-Hub for a variety of eco-awareness, advocacy,...
Jun 29, 2024

Oct 31, 2024
Register for Community Clean Up!
Community Clean Up is a wonderful eco-action opportunity for everyone in Burlington to get involved! Since we began hosting this...
Join our Board of Directors
If you live or work in the Burlington or Halton...
Latest News
Get our latest news about locally-focused eco events, issues and...
Join the National Butt Blitz!
This year BG is returning as an Official Butt Blitz...
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Making a Difference

We all want to live in a city that is clean and green with effective plans in place to ensure current and future generations are able to enjoy a beautiful and healthy environment.

To achieve this, everyone needs to contribute, and BurlingtonGreen has a variety of locally focused awareness, advocacy and action opportunities and resources to help.

Discover how YOU can make a difference today.
